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There are common misconceptions about the environmental effects of logging. RiverRidge Excavating and Logging works every day to change those misconceptions through actions to protect and regenerate our beloved forests.

Our Part

Sustainability is at the heart of what we do. Forest management is important to reduce disasters like wildfires and keep roads clear. We aim to go above and beyond the industry standards to keep these beautiful PNW forests lush and healthy for generations to come. Our team stays up to date on environmental issues and innovations and continues their education through classes with the American Loggers Association (ALA).


One of the main ways we support our environment is through our 1-for-1 process. Each time we cut a tree, we plant one. That way, there is a continuous supply of trees, oxygen, and habitats for forest-dwellers. Being able to have a direct impact on nature and support it through the coming generations is part of what makes our job so fulfilling.

Emergency Response

When disasters strike, like wildfires and landslides, we get involved and help clear roads, log trees, clear forest debris, and more. We help in any way we can to ensure the safety of our community and the longevity of our forests.